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Florida Estate Planning Packages

Our South Florida estate planning attorneys can put a package together to meet your estate planning needs. Whether you are having documents done for the first time, or want to update your estate documents to reflect changes in circumstances or your wishes, we are here to help! We can assist with estate planning in Florida, including Weston estate planning, Broward estate planning, Miami estate document drafting, estate planning in Coral Springs, Pinecrest, Coral Gables, Plantation, Miramar, West Palm Beach and throughout South Florida. Call a Florida estate planning attorney at the Law Offices of Jason Turchin today at 954-515-5000 for a free consultation, or request a consultation online.


Estate Planning Document Drafting in South Florida

The South Florida estate planning attorneys at the Law Offices of Jason Turchin can help you get your estate documents drafted and in order quickly and as easily as possible. We understand it is sometimes uncomfortable to discuss what happens to your property when you die, or who you want to take care of your decisions if you get sick, but we try to work with sensitivity and compassion to help get your documents done quickly and efficiently. We also offer affordable estate planning packages to get all of the necessary documents done at once. Call an estate planning attorney in South Florida at the Law Offices of Jason Turchin today for a free quote at 800-337-7755 or locally at 954-515-5000.


College Student Estate Planning Documents


When your child turns 18 and goes to college, you may be restricted with the information you can obtain, or the help you can provide to your child. Our office can help draft certain documents you should have in the event your child has a medical emergency while away at college. For example, a medical authorization form will allow a doctor to provide you with medical information if your child has an emergency and cannot communicate. A durable power of attorney will allow you to help manage their finances and other property while they are away.


What is Estate Planning?

Generally, estate planning is the act of setting forth your wishes for your property and care as you age or become incapacitated, implementing tax strategies, planning what happens to your property, business, children and pets when you die, and evaluating probate and trust options and legal strategies.

Every Estate plan in Florida should be reviewed by a licensed Florida estate planning attorney. Many documents you find online may not comply with Florida probate law, Florida power of attorney law, or Florida guardianship law, and could be invalid. Your estate plan should include how you would like some things to be done if you fell extremely sick to extent you can't communicate or make sound decisions.  










Estate Plan Documents in Dade, Broward and Palm Beach


When thinking about putting together an estate plan in Florida, there are several documents you may need to best protect your wishes. If you leave things to chance, family members could fight over who gets what property, burial wishes, and care if you get sick. Some estate planning documents you may consider having are a Last Will and Testament, Medical Authorization form, Healthcare Surrogate Designation, Durable Power of Attorney, Trust, Quit Claim Deed for property, and Advanced Directive.


Last Will and Testament

A will is a legal document that expresses the wishes of disposition of someone's property, children, and other personal items when he or she dies. It needs to be signed by the person with a certain number of witnesses to be valid. A Will has no validity while you are alive. It generally takes effect once you die. The Will must have been signed while you were of sound mind, and not subject to the undue influence of another. When you die, the Florida Will may be filed in a Florida probate court and is then probated so that your assets and debts can be determined, and beneficiaries can get what they are due.

Your Will is a very powerful document. You can set forth who you wish to have custody of your minor children if you die, who gets specific person or real property, or what happens with certain bank accounts or pets. You can set up a trust within the Will, like a testamentary trust to provide for a minor child. You can set forth burial or cremation wishes.

A Health Care Advanced Directive

An Advanced Directive sets forth your wishes for certain advanced healthcare measures if you become terminally ill or incapacitated. For example, you may want all life saving measures to keep you alive, even if you are completely incapacitated. You could also decide that if you lose brain function and two doctors find there is no chance of recovery that you don't want any advanced life saving measures.

Healthcare Designation

In this document, you would state the people to that will make healthcare decisions on your behalf in the event you are unable to communicate or make decisions on your own. You should express your wishes to the person ahead of time and make sure it is someone you trust to act on your behalf.


Quitclaim Deed


A quitclaim deed may be used in estate planning to retitle property. It could help make sure that the property transfers to your heirs outside of probate. You could even retain a life-estate in the property to ensure you can continue to live there during your life with the remainder of the property to pass to those you wish.


Durable Power of Attorney


A power of attorney sets forth your agreement to have someone act on your behalf for specific things. It could expire when you become incapacitated, or could continue through the date of your death, even if you are not able to make any further decisions on your own. Your power of attorney should be someone you think will act in your best interests and in accordance with your wishes.


Medical Record and Information Release


A medical release form or HIPAA release sets forth your authorization to allow those you specify to access your medical information. It could be very helpful when you get sick because it allows someone else to help get medical records, seek out doctors on your behalf where they can discuss your situation, and allows the doctors to speak with those you specify.


​Quick Turnaround on Florida Estate Documents


We are sensitive about the nature of completing these documents. Most people don't like to think or talk about their death. We will work with compassion to help prepare your documents as quickly and easily for you as possible.

Our South Florida estate planning services are available throughout Florida, including Miami, Weston, Pembroke Pines, Miramar, Coral Springs, Boca Raton, Fort Lauderdale, Davie and surrounding areas. We are also available for consultation at nights, weekends, and holidays.


Contact Us Today For A Free Consultation!

Have any query about estate planning and will drafting? Feel free to call us anytime. You can call us at 954-515-5000 or toll free at 800-337-7755. 

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